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Frequently Asked Questions About Functional Medicine Doctors

Answers to Questions About Functional Medicine Doctors The field of healthcare is continuously evolving, with more and more groundbreaking new treatments and therapies being discovered. But, despite these advancements in modern medicine, more than half of Americans continue to feel chronically sick and tired. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that an […]

New Discoveries in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The frustration and exhaustion of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can be overwhelming. But integrative medicine doctor Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX is here to help you regain your energy and get your life back.

What Do Functional Medicine Doctors Do?

In this article we explore the advantages of seeing a functional medicine doctor, like Dr. Ruthie Harper, where patients benefit from whole-person care that focuses on prevention, a personalized approach that treats them as individuals, and safer therapies that minimize potential risks – while treating the root causes of health issues, empowering men and women to take control of their health.

Skin Tightening After Weight Loss with Venus Versa

Sagging skin has become a common concern for individuals following rapid weight loss with the use of medications such as semaglutide, Ozempic, Terzepatide or Mounjaro. Ruthie Harper, MD offers Venus Versa MP2 technology, a non-invasive and effective solution for skin tightening and rejuvenation after weight loss.

Where To Get Ozempic in Austin, TX

Medications for weight loss can be very effective – but understanding how these weight loss drugs work, taking them properly, and ensuring your safety is essential before you jump on the Ozempic or Wegovy bandwagon. This is where the expertise of an experienced weight loss medical doctor, like Dr. Ruthie Harper becomes extremely important. In this article, she explains what you need to know about taking Ozempic, Wegovy or Semaglutide – and why you should always get it from a doctor you trust.

The Genetic Secrets of Nutrition: Nutritional Genomic Testing

Nutritional biochemistry helps doctors unravel the complex connections between genes, enzymes & nutrients. Nutritional genomic testing reveals functional markers related to specific genetic variants, so that doctors can tailor personalized treatments that improve each patient’s overall health & well-being.