Entries by admin

Dr. Harper’s Interview with Dr. Oz

Feeling wiped out at the end of the day is par for the course for most of us, thanks to logging long hours at the office and juggling overloaded weekend schedules. But if you can’t make it through your to-do list without feeling weak, cloudy-headed or short of breath, your body might be calling out for more than a power nap—you could be iron deficient.

Skin Cancer: What Is The Cause?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. Energy from the sun actually is a form of radiation. It consists of visible light and other rays that people can’t see. Invisible infrared radiation, for instance, makes sunlight feel hot. UV also is invisible, and causes sunburn and sun tan.

Speed Your Medical Weight Loss With A Personalized Workout Program

There are many different types of personalized work out recommendations in the exercise marketplace today. Each is designed to give you a different benefit or result. The goal of different programs may be to increase muscle mass, increase strength, build cardiovascular conditioning, or help with weight loss. Today we want to expose you to a new concept in exercise science called “The HGH Producer”.

I’m a Young Woman, Why Should I Check My Hormone Levels?

Most women believe that if they are having regular menstrual cycles their hormones are “healthy”. The idea of routinely checking for hormonal balance when they are young does not cross their mind until pregnancy or menopause occurs. However, many women experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance throughout all stages of life, even in their younger years.

When Your Body Attacks: The Important Facts About Autoimmune Diseases

Our bodies, by incredible biological design, have the amazing ability to protect against destructive microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, infections, and disease. It is the body’s immune system that is responsible for getting rid of these foreign substances and building protection against further harm.

Feeling Depressed? It Could All Be In Your Head

With summertime slowly fading, many of us move back into mayhem trying to manage endless work demands, school and sports schedules, family obligations, community commitments, sleep deprivation, and so much more. Although we all deal with some stress some of the time, a lot of stress much of the time or a significantly stressful event can take a huge toll on your mental and physical health—leading you right down the path to depression. Why?

Vitamin D: A Must-Have Supplement in Your Dietary Arsenal

Recent health news boasts the merits of vitamin D well beyond its bone-boosting abilities. Current research links vitamin D to a host of other health benefits, such as warding off Parkinson’s disease, reducing rates of inflammatory conditions associated with heart disease and stroke, and even preventing cancer.

Have a Healthy Holiday: Avoid these Health Hazards

The cooking, the shopping, the decorating, the celebrating—as you hustle and bustle your way through this holiday season, be sure to steer clear of holiday health hazards like stress, sugar, and spirits (in literally every meaning of the word).